Speech, Language, & Feeding Therapy Services for Children of All Ages

Late Talkers • Articulation Disorders • Phonological Disorders • Childhood Apraxia of Speech (CAS) • Receptive & Expressive Language Disorders • Autism • Gestalt Language Processing • Pediatric Feeding Delays & Disorders


We’ll start with an evaluation to learn about your child's current skills, including their strengths and areas for growth. This will give us a clear starting point and help us determine the best therapy approach for your child. Evaluations include:

  • Caregiver interviews

  • Formal and informal assessments

  • Observations during conversation or play

  • Breaks as needed

Once the evaluation is complete, we will discuss the results with you and work together to set therapy goals. You will also receive a written report with our findings and recommendations.

Our Approach to Therapy

At BG Speech Therapy, we follow your child’s lead and work toward therapeutic goals during play. Whether your child enjoys pretend play, building, arts and crafts, toys, reading books, or moving their body, we will join them in their favorite activities to build communication and feeding skills!

We believe that a child's family is the greatest part of their life, so we welcome caregivers to get involved in the way that makes the most sense for them. Some caregivers are actively involved during sessions, while others prefer to relax in the waiting room to encourage their child to become more independent and confident in their ability to do things on their own. There is no one-size-fits-all when it comes to speech therapy, and because of this, our sessions look different from one client to another!

Child working on speech sounds during speech therapy in Woburn, MA

Therapy for Speech Sound Disorders

If your child is difficult to understand, speech therapy focused on sound production will help! We’ll give them opportunities to practice their speech sounds and say words clearly during fun and personalized activities. Speech sound therapy will help your child to:

  • More accurately produce their speech sounds

  • Be more easily understood by others

  • Be less frustrated when speaking

  • Communicate with ease, intention, and confidence!

At BG Speech Therapy, we use evidence-based approaches such as PROMPT, Dynamic Temporal and Tactile Cueing (DTTC), and the Principles of Motor Learning to address speech sound disorders.

Child working on vocabulary skills during language therapy for kids in Woburn, MA

Language Therapy

Language therapy will build on your child’s ability to understand and use language to communicate. Whether your child is a late talker, not meeting language milestones, or struggling to follow directions and stories, we can help! Language therapy sessions will empower your child to:

  • Effectively express their wants, needs, thoughts, and ideas

  • Grow their vocabulary to understand and use new words

  • Be better able to follow directions

  • Have an easier time understanding and telling stories

BG Speech Therapy uses research-backed approaches to help your child be the best, most authentic communicator they can be!

Autistic child working on communication during gestalt language processing therapy in Woburn, MA

Autism & Gestalt Language Processing

Did you know that most autistic children are Gestalt Language Processors (GLPs)? This means that they initially learn language in larger chunks or phrases called "gestalts” as opposed to single words. Gestalts can be as short as one word, or as long as an entire movie— anything that was previously heard from people, movies, video clips, books, or songs! Speech therapy for Gestalt Language Processors will focus on:

  • Affirming your child's existing gestalts

  • Modeling new potential gestalts

  • Laying the foundation for your child to begin using novel, self-generated language

BG Speech Therapy uses the Natural Language Acquisition (NLA) Framework to help your child develop their language. We also use neurodiversity-affirming practices which accept and celebrate your child for who they are by honoring their sensory needs and activity preferences!

Child working on eating and swallowing during feeding therapy in Woburn, MA

Feeding Therapy

When a child struggles with feeding, it can cause stress for the whole family. We’ll address picky eating, oral motor delays, and sensory aversions to make eating a calm and enjoyable experience for everyone. Feeding therapy will help your child to:

  • Successfully start eating solid foods

  • Eat foods with a variety of tastes, textures, and temperatures

  • Chew and swallow age-appropriately, safely, and efficiently

  • Gain confidence and comfort with eating

BG Speech Therapy uses neurodiversity-affirming, strengths-based, and child-centered feeding approaches that are personalized to your child and family. We realize that there is no one-size-fits-all approach when it comes to feeding therapy, and mealtimes look different from one family to another.

BG Speech Therapy graphic

We Are Accepting New Clients!

BG Speech Therapy provides speech, feeding, and language therapy for children in Woburn, MA. We also offer convenient online speech therapy to families anywhere in Massachusetts. Reach out to get started today!